Closely linked with pedagogical development, all SPHEIR projects involve the design (or redesign) of full degree programmes, or selected courses/modules, or non-academic courses for students (e.g. financial literacy training). Curriculum design typically focuses on ensuring that the content of courses is dynamic, reflects the needs of employers and communities, enhances student experience and learning outcomes (i.e. critical thinking, gender sensitivity), involves innovative assessment, and is informed by quality assurance.
- INASP, December 2021, TESCEA, Transforming Higher Education for Social Change: a model from East Africa. Find out more in this blog by INASP and explore the pedagogical model .
- PEBL blended learning modules hosted on OERAfrica, PEBL, PEBL modules. Download the modules.
Papers and reports
- SPHEIR team, March 2022, Reflections on curriculum and pedagogical reforms by SPHEIR partnerships. Read the paper.
- King's Global Health Partnerships, November 2021, PfP, Impact report - Training Somaliland’s Future Health Workforce. Read the report.
- INASP, November 20211, TESCEA, Gender-responsive teaching improves learning outcomes for both women and men. Read the brief.
- Paeradigms, October 2021, AQHEd-SL, Assuring Quality in Higher Education in Sierra Leone (AQHEd-SL) Summative Evaluation 2018-2021 Final Report. Read the report.
- INASP, July 2021, PEBL, Summative Evaluation of Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning project. Read the report.
- INASP, July 2021, TESCEA, Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa: an Evaluation. Read the report.
- Wild, J. Omingo, M.INASP, AFELT, January 2020, TESCEA, Graduate skills for employability in East Africa: Evolution of a skills matrix for course redesign. Read the paper.
Blogs and articles
- AQHEd-SL team, July 2021, AQHEd-SL, Learning in the laboratory - equipping pharmacists with practical skills. Read the blog.
- SPHEIR team, April 2021, AQHEd-SL, First cohort of quality assurance officers graduate in momentous occasion for Sierra Leone. Read the blog.
- Burrows, H., SPHEIR website, April 2021, PfP, Working together: UK and Somaliland health workers strengthen the quality of health education in Somaliland. Read the blog.
- SPHEIR team, February 2021, LEAP, Career-readiness and financial literacy: New online training service empowers students in Kenya. Read the blog.
- Buchner, T., Dryden, J., INASP, October 2020, TESCEA, Pivoting to remote support for transforming higher education: what we have learnt. Read the blog.
- Skovgaard, M., INASP website, September 2020, TESCEA, How to make university classes more gender responsive. Read the blog.
- The TESCEA project team, SPHEIR website, July 2020, TESCEA, Moving face-to-face workshops for higher education staff online. Read the blog.
- Buchner, T. Dryden, J., UKFIET, July 2020, TESCEA, Adapting for sustainability: taking training of trainers online to continue higher education support. Read the blog.
- Wild, J., Omingo, M, University World News, May 2020, TESCEA, Redesigning university curricula to boost employability. Read the blog.
- SPHEIR team, SPHEIR, May 2020, TESCEA, Fresh thinking in East Africa: Helping graduates develop skills for the workplace and society. Read the blog.
- French, S, King's College London, May 2020, PfP, International maternity care: My work in Somaliland. Read the blog.
- Skovgaard, M. Buchner, T., INASP, April 2020, TESCEA, Adapting to continue higher education support amidst a pandemic. Read the blog.
- Harle, J., INASP, April 2020, TESCEA, Enabling social change from changes in higher education. Read the blog.
- Wild, J., INASP, February 2020, TESCEA, Understanding the skills gaps between higher education and the workplace in East Africa. Read the blog.
- Daily Monitor, Uganda, February 2020, TESCEA, University course re-design could solve high unemployment rate. Read the article.
- Harle, J.,University World News, January 2020, TESCEA, Transforming core skills in university curricula. Read the article.
- Kigotho, W. University World News, November 2019, TESCEA, eLearning – Can it improve graduate employability? Read the article.
- Munuve, V., Uganda Martyrs University, October 2019, TESCEA, Experience of implementing course redesign to help students gain critical thinking skills. Read the blog.
- PEDAL, PASGR, October 2019, How Could The Learning And Teaching Experience Transformed? Read the blog.
- Monk, D.,Gulu University, July 2019, TESCEA, Transforming learning and connecting communities to support higher education. Read the blog.
- Tenywa Malagala, A., Gulu University, May 2019, TESCEA, How to bring gender-responsive pedagogy into course redesign in higher education. Read the blog.
- Harle, J., INASP, December 2018, TESCEA, Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa: the first eight months. Read the blog.
- Harris, S., INASP, December 2018, TESCEA, Transforming teachers for transformed students. Read the blog.
- Muchungi, K., AFELT, December 2018, TESCEA, For effective change, all stakeholders need to recognize the importance of critical thinking. Read the blog.
- Mutonyi, H., Uganda Martyrs University, November 2018, TESCEA, University courses should support critical thinking skills to help address national needs. Read the blog.
- Nakkazi, E, University World News, September 2018, TESCEA, Partnership aims to produce problem-solving graduates. Read the article.
- INASP, September 2018, TESCEA, New area of work supports critical thinking skills in East Africa. Read the blog.
- King's College London, PfP, New programme aims to help Somaliland health workforce. Read the blog.
Videos and webinars
- New Vision TV, February 2020, TESCEA, Report on Gulu course redesign on TV. Watch the video.
- INASP, July 2020, TESCEA student perspective: Dorice Kagisa, University of Dodoma. Watch the video.
- INASP, July 2020, TESCEA student perspective: Ignatus Mkonga, University of Dodoma. Watch the video.