Research-oriented publications intended to inform higher education policy and/or management. External evaluations, rapid assessments and policy recommendations will appear under this section.
Case studies
- TESCEA case studies, November 2021, TESCEA's approach to multipliers, Joint Advisory Groups, gender equity, and student, external stakeholder and senior management engagement. View the case studies.
Papers and reports
- Hall, S., July 2022, LEAP, LEAP Formative Evaluation. Read the report.
- The SPHEIR Team, March 2022, SPHEIR project overviews and SPHEIR final report. Read the documents.
- Carmody, S., March 2022, Reflections on SPHEIR’s approach to promoting gender equality and social inclusion in and through higher education. Read the paper.
- SPHEIR Team, March 2022, Reflections on curriculum and pedagogical reforms by SPHEIR partnerships. Read the paper.
- AfriDev Economic Consulting Limited, January 2022, PEDAL, Summative Evaluation Brief for the PEDAL Partnership. Read the report.
- Philanthropy Advisors, January 2022, PfP, Final Evaluation Prepared for Practice in Somaliland. Read the executive summary.
- Jigsaw Consult, December 2021, PADILEIA, Summative Evaluation PADILEIA. Red the report.
- TIDE, Summative evaluation and management response. Read the report and the management response.
- INASP, November 20211, TESCEA, Gender-responsive teaching improves learning outcomes for both women and men. Read the brief.
- INASP, November 2021, AQHEd-SL, How to be a good minor partner: A study of INASP’s role in the Assuring Quality Higher Education in Sierra Leone partnership. Read the paper.
- Paeradigms, October 2021, AQHEd-SL, Assuring Quality in Higher Education in Sierra Leone (AQHEd-SL) Summative Evaluation 2018-2021 Final Report. Read the report.
- SPHEIR team, September 2021, Online higher education and Covid adaptation in SPHEIR. Read the paper.
- Lewis, H., Zenodo, September 2021, AQHEd-SL, How do we waterfall capacity building across Sierra Leonean Universities? Read the paper.
- INASP, July 2021, TESCEA, Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa: an Evaluation. Read the report.
- INASP, July 2021, PEBL, Summative Evaluation of Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning project. Read the report.
- Schaeffler, V., INASP, June 2021, AQHEd-SL, Adapting online approaches to context: an example from Sierra Leone’s higher education. Read the paper.
- IPE Triple Line, Technopolis Group, University of Bedfordshire, April 2021, SPHEIR Mid-Term Evaluation report. Read the report.
- Jigsaw Consult, February 2021, PADILEIA, PADILEIA Rapid Evaluation: Community report. Read the report.
- Hoffman, J, SPHEIR Fund Manager, February 2021, Reflections on SPHEIR and development outcomes. Read the paper.
- Hoffman, J., SPHEIR Fund Manager, September 2020, Varieties of employer engagement and higher education transformation in SPHEIR. Read the paper.
- Nzegwu, F. , INASP, August 2018, TESCEA, Using adaptive monitoring, evaluation and learning in programme design. Read the paper.
Blogs and articles
- Harle, J., University World News, November 2021, TESCEA, Putting teachers at the centre of HE transformation. Read the article.
- The SPHEIR team, September 2021, SPHEIR project evaluation reports. Read the blog and view the reports.
- Hu, D., ACU website, September 2021, PEBL, Digital Transformation Journeys. Read the blog.
- Hu, D., ACU website, September 2021, PEBL, The impact of PEBL: key takeaways from an external evaluation. Read the blog.
- Nakweya, G., University World News, July 2019, PEDAL, Technological innovations – A key to reaching students. Read the article.
- Pritchard, D., SPHEIR External Evaluator, July 2019, SPHEIR’s External Evaluators outline the logic and scope of their educator and student surveys. Read the blog.
- Al-Mossallami, M., FCDO, June 2019, Higher education partnerships and delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Read the blog.
- O’Malley, B., University World News, December 2016, Can aid bring innovation to higher education systems? Read the article.
- O’Malley, B, University World News, October 2016, DFID project attempts to catalyse change in HE systems. Read the article.