Several projects are concerned with enhancing quality assurance (QA) practices within universities, and at the national level, through training of QA staff, sensitising academic staff and administrative staff to the benefits of internal and external QA, or developing formal policy proposals, tools and guidance documents for use by universities and national agencies.  

Papers and reports

  • Paeradigms, October 2021, AQHEd-SL, Assuring Quality in Higher Education in Sierra Leone (AQHEd-SL) Summative Evaluation 2018-2021 Final Report. Read the report.
  • INASP, July 2021, PEBL, Summative Evaluation of Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning project. Read the report.


  • Perris, K. and Mohee, R., Commonwealth of Learning, 2020, PEBL, Quality Assurance Rubric for Blended Learning. Download the guidebook.

Blogs and articles

  • Lewis, H., University World News, May 2021, AQHEd-SL, Quality assurance efforts are a catalyst for change. Read the article.
  • SPHEIR team, April 2021, AQHEd-SL, First cohort of quality assurance officers graduate in momentous occasion for Sierra Leone. Read the blog.
  • Perris, K. and Mohee, R., University World News, June 2020, PEBL, Quality assurance is key to sustainable blended learning. Read the article.

Videos and webinars

  • Conteh-Morgan, M., University of Sierra Leone, INASP, December 2019, AQHEd-SL, Introducing the Assuring Quality Higher Education in Sierra Leone (AQHEd-SL) partnership. Whatch the video.