Although only one of the SPHEIR projects is focused specifically on higher education for refugees, or education in emergencies, a rich variety of knowledge publications has emerged that explores various aspects of this experience, often complementing knowledge on other topics, such as curriculum design, distance education and blended learning.


  • Connected Learning in Crisis Consortium, April 2021, PADILEIA, 2020 Yearbook. Download the book.
  • Jigsaw Consult, February 2021, PADILEIA, PADILEIA Rapid Evaluation: Community Report. Read the report.

Blogs and articles

  • The PADILEIA Project Team, King's College London, September, Accessing higher education: Online mentoring for Syrian students. Read the blog. 
  • Newman, J., The Guardian, November 2019, PADILEIA, Universities are failing refugees. They must do more to prevent a ‘lost generation’. Read the article.
  • The PADILEIA Project Team, King's College London, October 2019, Breaking down barriers to higher education for Syrian refugees. Read the blog.
  • Mitchell, N, University World News,December 2018, PADILEIA, Digital programme gives Syrian refugees access to HE. Read the article.
  • Reay, F, FutureLearn, November 2018, PADILEIA, Key Learnings from teaching English to refugees online. Read the blog.
  • Wood, A., WonkHE, October 2018, PADILEIA, Designing online courses for refugees. Read the blog.
  • Reay, F., The PIE, August 2018, PADILEIA, How technology is helping to educate Syrian refugees. Read the article.